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Reading List

A collection of books that have shaped my thinking and understanding of the world

How to Love Brutalism
by John Grindrod

A passionate and personal book about the writer's love for one of architecture's most controversial styles.

Hayek vs Keynes: A Battle of Ideas
by Thomas Hoerber

An exploration of the conflicting economic theories of Friedrich Hayek and John Maynard Keynes.

Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy
by Stephen Wertheim

A history of how American leaders transformed their isolationist country into one committed to global military supremacy.

How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States
by Daniel Immerwahr

A revealing history of the United States as an empire, taking in territories beyond the familiar continental states.

by Plato

A Socratic dialogue concerning justice, the order and character of the just city-state, and the just man.

Nicomachean Ethics
by Aristotle

Aristotle's best-known work on ethics, a practical rather than theoretical study of virtue and happiness.

by Marcus Aurelius

A series of personal writings by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy.

Critique of Pure Reason
by Immanuel Kant

A foundational text in modern philosophy that reconciles empiricism and rationalism.

Beyond Good and Evil
by Friedrich Nietzsche

A comprehensive critique of truth and morality, challenging the basis of contemporary philosophical thought.

Being and Time
by Martin Heidegger

An investigation of the meaning of Being, examining human existence (Dasein) and its temporal structure.

Discipline and Punish
by Michel Foucault

An analysis of the social and theoretical mechanisms behind the changes in Western penal systems.

Philosophy of Science
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
by Thomas Kuhn

An analysis of the history of science that introduced the concept of paradigm shifts.

Capitalism and Freedom
by Milton Friedman(1962)

Argues for free markets and limited government intervention.

A Monetary History of the United States, 1867–1960
by Milton Friedman & Anna Schwartz(1963)

A seminal work on the role of money supply in economic stability.

Free to Choose
by Milton & Rose Friedman(1980)

A popular defense of economic liberalism, tied to a PBS series.

Essays in Positive Economics
by Milton Friedman(1953)

Includes his influential methodology of economics.

The Road to Serfdom
by F.A. Hayek(1944)

Warns against central planning leading to totalitarianism.

The Constitution of Liberty
by F.A. Hayek(1960)

A comprehensive case for individual liberty and limited government.

Law, Legislation and Liberty
by F.A. Hayek(1973-1979)

Explores spontaneous order and the rule of law.

The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism
by F.A. Hayek(1988)

Critiques socialist planning and defends market processes.

Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
by Joseph Schumpeter(1942)

Introduces "creative destruction" and analyzes capitalism's dynamics.

The Theory of Economic Development
by Joseph Schumpeter(1911)

Focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation.

History of Economic Analysis
by Joseph Schumpeter(1954)

A massive survey of economic thought.

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
by John Maynard Keynes(1936)

Foundation of Keynesian economics, advocating government intervention.

A Treatise on Money
by John Maynard Keynes(1930)

Examines money and its economic effects.

The Economic Consequences of the Peace
by John Maynard Keynes(1919)

Critiques the Treaty of Versailles and predicts economic fallout.

Das Kapital (Capital)
by Karl Marx(1867)

A critique of capitalism and its economic structures.

The Communist Manifesto
by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels(1848)

A political pamphlet calling for revolution.

The German Ideology
by Karl Marx(1845)

Early formulation of historical materialism.

by Karl Marx(1857-1858)

Notebooks outlining Marx's economic theories.

Phenomenology of Spirit
by G.W.F. Hegel(1807)

Explores consciousness, history, and dialectics.

Science of Logic
by G.W.F. Hegel(1812-1816)

His system of logic and metaphysics.

Elements of the Philosophy of Right
by G.W.F. Hegel(1820)

Examines ethics, law, and the state.

Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences
by G.W.F. Hegel(1817)

A summary of his philosophical system.

The Question Concerning Technology
by Martin Heidegger(1954)

Essays on technology and its essence.

Introduction to Metaphysics
by Martin Heidegger(1935)

Reflections on being and philosophy's history.

Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)
by Martin Heidegger(1936-1938)

A dense, later work on being.

The Sublime Object of Ideology
by Slavoj Žižek(1989)

His breakthrough work blending Lacan, Hegel, and Marxism.

Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture
by Slavoj Žižek(1991)

Explains Lacanian psychoanalysis.

Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism
by Slavoj Žižek(2012)

A massive reinterpretation of Hegel.

Living in the End Times
by Slavoj Žižek(2010)

Analyzes contemporary crises through philosophy and ideology.

The Society of the Spectacle
by Guy Debord(1967)

Critiques modern society's obsession with images and commodification.

Comments on the Society of the Spectacle
by Guy Debord(1988)

A follow-up reflecting on the spectacle's evolution.

by Guy Debord(1989)

An autobiographical work in two volumes.

Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?
by Mark Fisher(2009)

Examines the pervasive ideology of capitalism.

Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures
by Mark Fisher(2014)

Explores culture and lost possibilities.

The Weird and the Eerie
by Mark Fisher(2016)

Analyzes strange and unsettling aesthetics in art and literature.

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
by Ludwig Wittgenstein(1921)

His early work on language, logic, and reality.

Philosophical Investigations
by Ludwig Wittgenstein(1953)

His later work on language games and meaning.

On Certainty
by Ludwig Wittgenstein(1969)

Reflections on knowledge and doubt.

The Blue and Brown Books
by Ludwig Wittgenstein(1958)

Preliminary studies for Philosophical Investigations.

Man and His Symbols
by Carl Jung(1964)

Jung's final work, written for the general public, explores the role of symbols in the unconscious, dreams, and art. It's highly accessible and richly illustrated, making it a popular starting point.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections
by Carl Jung(1961)

A partly autobiographical book, compiled with Aniela Jaffé, offering insight into Jung's life, dreams, and the development of his theories. It's a personal and profound entry into his world.

The Red Book: Liber Novus
by Carl Jung(2009)

Considered Jung's most personal and significant work, this illuminated manuscript details his self-exploration of the unconscious. Published posthumously, it's a cornerstone for understanding his theories' origins.

Modern Man in Search of a Soul
by Carl Jung(1933)

A collection of essays examining the spiritual and psychological struggles of contemporary individuals, contrasting Jung's ideas with Freud's and delving into dream analysis and religion.

Psychological Types
by Carl Jung(1921)

Introduces Jung's theory of personality types (e.g., introversion and extroversion), laying the groundwork for later systems like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It's a foundational text in psychology.

The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
by Carl Jung(1934-1954)

A key compilation of essays defining archetypes and the collective unconscious, central to Jungian thought. It's dense but essential for grasping his framework.

Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
by Carl Jung(1951)

Explores the archetype of the Self, integrating psychology, mythology, and religion. It's one of Jung's more complex and philosophical works.

Psychology and Alchemy
by Carl Jung(1944)

Links alchemical symbolism to the process of individuation, showcasing Jung's interdisciplinary approach. It's a fascinating blend of psychology and mysticism.

Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle
by Carl Jung(1952)

Co-authored with Wolfgang Pauli, this short work introduces Jung's concept of meaningful coincidences, challenging conventional causality. It's a thought-provoking gem.

Symbols of Transformation
by Carl Jung(1952)

An early work (originally "Psychology of the Unconscious") analyzing symbols in myths and dreams, marking Jung's split from Freud. It's a deep dive into the unconscious.

The Interpretation of Dreams
by Sigmund Freud(1899)

Freud's seminal work introducing his theory of the unconscious, dream analysis, and the Oedipus complex. Often considered his masterpiece and a cornerstone of psychoanalysis.

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
by Sigmund Freud(1901)

Explores how slips of the tongue, forgetfulness, and other "mistakes" reveal unconscious thoughts. It's a lighter, accessible entry into Freud's ideas.

Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
by Sigmund Freud(1905)

A groundbreaking exploration of sexual development, introducing concepts like infantile sexuality, libido, and psychosexual stages. Hugely influential and controversial.

Totem and Taboo
by Sigmund Freud(1913)

Applies psychoanalysis to anthropology, examining the origins of religion, morality, and society through the lens of taboo and the primal horde theory.

Beyond the Pleasure Principle
by Sigmund Freud(1920)

Introduces the death drive (Thanatos) alongside the pleasure principle, marking a shift in Freud's thinking about human instincts and aggression.

The Ego and the Id
by Sigmund Freud(1923)

Outlines Freud's structural model of the psyche (id, ego, superego), refining his earlier theories. It's a concise, pivotal text on personality.

Civilization and Its Discontents
by Sigmund Freud(1930)

Examines the tension between individual desires and societal demands, offering a psychoanalytic critique of culture and happiness. One of his most philosophical works.

The Future of an Illusion
by Sigmund Freud(1927)

Critiques religion as a psychological construct rooted in wish fulfillment, sparking debate about faith and the human mind.

Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis
by Sigmund Freud(1915-1917)

A collection of lectures designed to introduce psychoanalysis to a broader audience. Clear, systematic, and a great starting point for beginners.

Moses and Monotheism
by Sigmund Freud(1939)

Freud's final major work, controversially reinterpreting the origins of Judaism and monotheism through psychoanalysis. It reflects his late-life interests in history and religion.

The Hero with a Thousand Faces
by Joseph Campbell(1949)

Campbell's most famous work, introducing the monomyth (hero's journey) as a universal narrative structure found across cultures. Hugely influential in mythology studies and popular culture (e.g., inspired Star Wars).

The Masks of God: Primitive Mythology
by Joseph Campbell(1959)

First volume in a four-part series tracing the evolution of mythology worldwide, focusing on primitive and early cultures.

The Masks of God: Oriental Mythology
by Joseph Campbell(1962)

Second volume examining the mythological traditions of India, China, and Japan.

The Masks of God: Occidental Mythology
by Joseph Campbell(1964)

Third volume exploring the mythological traditions of the Middle East and Europe.

The Masks of God: Creative Mythology
by Joseph Campbell(1968)

Final volume focusing on modern, individualistic approaches to mythology and meaning.

Myths to Live By
by Joseph Campbell(1972)

A collection of essays and lectures exploring how myths remain relevant to contemporary life, addressing spirituality, psychology, and human experience.

The Power of Myth
by Joseph Campbell(1988)

Based on interviews with Bill Moyers, this accessible book (and TV series) distills Campbell's ideas about mythology's role in shaping meaning and culture. A popular introduction to his work.

The Mythic Image
by Joseph Campbell(1974)

A visually rich exploration of mythological symbols and art across cultures, blending Campbell's analysis with stunning illustrations. It's a feast for both mind and eyes.

A Joseph Campbell Companion: Reflections on the Art of Living
by Joseph Campbell(1991)

Compiled posthumously by Diane K. Osbon, this book gathers Campbell's insights on life, myth, and personal growth from his lectures and writings.

Thou Art That: Transforming Religious Metaphor
by Joseph Campbell(2001)

Published posthumously, this work focuses on the metaphorical power of religious myths, encouraging readers to look beyond literal interpretations.

Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation
by Joseph Campbell(2004)

Another posthumous collection, drawing from Campbell's lectures on how myths guide individual fulfillment and self-discovery.

The Flight of the Wild Gander
by Joseph Campbell(1969)

A collection of essays delving into the origins and functions of myth, with a focus on symbolism and spiritual traditions.

An Open Life: Joseph Campbell in Conversation with Michael Toms
by Joseph Campbell(1988)

A series of interviews offering a conversational look at Campbell's philosophy, mythology, and views on life.

Business & Sales
$100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
by Alex Hormozi(2021)

Hormozi's breakout book, focusing on crafting irresistible business offers. It's a step-by-step guide to creating value, pricing strategically, and standing out in any market. Widely praised for its simplicity and effectiveness, it's sold over a million copies worldwide.

Business & Sales
$100M Leads: How to Get Strangers to Want to Buy Your Stuff
by Alex Hormozi(2023)

A follow-up to $100M Offers, this book tackles lead generation. Hormozi shares eight "never-go-hungry" playbooks to attract customers, based on his experience generating 20,000+ leads daily for his companies. It's a practical manual for scaling demand.

Business & Sales
Gym Launch Secrets: The Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Massively Profitable Gym
by Alex Hormozi(2016)

Hormozi's first book, born from his success scaling a gym chain and licensing the model to over 5,000 gyms. It's a niche but detailed blueprint for gym owners to acquire clients, boost profits, and retain members.

Business & Sales
Fanatical Prospecting: The Ultimate Guide to Opening Sales Conversations and Filling the Pipeline by Leveraging Social Selling, Telephone, Email, Text, and Cold Calling
by Jeb Blount(2015)

Blount's signature work, emphasizing relentless prospecting as the key to sales success. It's packed with techniques for filling your pipeline using multiple channels, blending old-school grit with modern tools.

Business & Sales
Sales EQ: How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence to Close the Complex Deal
by Jeb Blount(2017)

Explores the role of emotional intelligence in sales, offering a framework to navigate complex deals and build trust with buyers. A deeper, psychology-driven complement to Fanatical Prospecting.

Business & Sales
Objections: The Ultimate Guide for Mastering The Art and Science of Getting Past No
by Jeb Blount(2018)

A practical guide to handling objections, with strategies to turn "no" into "yes." It's a go-to for salespeople facing resistance.

Business & Sales
People Buy You: The Real Secret to What Matters Most in Business
by Jeb Blount(2010)

Blount's first major book, focusing on likability and relationships as the foundation of sales success. It's less tactical than his later works but sets the tone for his philosophy.

Business & Sales
Inked: The Ultimate Guide to Powerful Closing and Sales Negotiation Tactics that Unlock YES and Seal the Deal
by Jeb Blount(2020)

Dives into closing techniques and negotiation, offering actionable scripts and mindsets to finalize deals effectively.

Business & Sales
Fanatical Military Recruiting: The Ultimate Guide to Leveraging High-Impact Prospecting to Engage Qualified Applicants, Win the War for Talent, and Make Mission Fast
by Jeb Blount(2019)

Builds on his earlier work, Fanatical Prospecting, but is customized for military recruiters. It addresses the unique challenges they face, offering advanced strategies for prospecting, pipeline management, and overcoming objections to meet recruiting goals.

Linear and Nonlinear Programming
by David G. Luenberger, Yinyu Ye(2015)

A comprehensive treatment of optimization methods, focusing on linear and nonlinear programming techniques.

Pricing Derivative Securities
by T. W. Epps(2007)

A detailed exploration of derivative pricing models and techniques for financial markets.

Interest Rate Models – Theory and Practice: With Smile, Inflation and Credit
by Damiano Brigo, Fabio Mercurio(2006)

A comprehensive guide to interest rate modeling with applications to inflation and credit markets.

Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis
by Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, David E. Runkle(2007)

Essential quantitative techniques and tools for investment professionals and financial analysts.

Political Philosophy
The Political Philosophy of Bakunin: Scientific Anarchism
by Mikhail Bakunin (Compiled by G.P. Maximoff)(1953)

A compilation of Bakunin's writings on anarchism, revolution, and political philosophy.

Military Strategy
PSYOP: Military Psychological Operations Manual
by U.S. Military(Various)

Declassified military documents detailing psychological operations tactics and strategies.

Political Philosophy
by Ludwig von Mises(1927)

A classic defense of classical liberalism, free markets, and limited government intervention.

Military Strategy
CIA Manual for Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare
by Edited by A.M. Nagy(1983)

A controversial manual created for CIA covert operations in Latin America during the Cold War.

For the New Intellectual
by Ayn Rand(1961)

A collection of essays and excerpts presenting Rand's philosophy of Objectivism.

Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One
by Thomas Sowell(2003)

An analysis of economic policies and their long-term consequences beyond immediate effects.

Political Philosophy
Essential Works of Lenin: 'What Is to Be Done?' and Other Writings
by Vladimir Lenin (Edited by Henry M. Christman)(1966)

A collection of Lenin's most influential writings on revolutionary theory and practice.

Military Strategy
On Guerrilla Warfare
by Mao Tse-Tung (Translated by Samuel B. Griffith)(1961)

Mao's influential text on guerrilla tactics, revolutionary warfare, and military strategy.